This website is aimed at the healthcare professionals within Northern Ireland and was set up as part of the Northern Ireland response to the Shipman Inquiry. The website provides you with access to learning resources and the ability to undertake the post-course assessment online.
Pharmacists should use the NICPLD website to submit their MCQ answers for online learning and COMPASS, as their MCQ score will be recorded in their portfolio.
Go to the register page and enter your information into the boxes provided. You will also be asked to select a username and password that you will use to sign into the site in future.
Click on the forgot password link. Enter your details as requested and your username and password will be emailed to you.
Click on a course type (online courses or compass notes) from the menu to display a list of available courses for each course type.
Go to the summary details of the course you have just studied and click on the 'Enter answers' link. Unlike the previous medicinesNI website, you can enter your answers over multiple sessions by clicking on the 'Save my answers' button. When you have answered all the questions click on the 'Submit my answers' button. You answers will be automatically marked and you will receive your score and feedback relating to the answers you got wrong.
You must be signed in to complete course MCQs.
You can quickly see which courses you have completed by clicking on a course type. In the course list, those courses that you have completed will been marked completed under MCQs text.
You must be signed in to complete course MCQs.
In order to be credited with hours of learning, you must score at least 70% of answers correct. There is no negative marking and most participants achieve this score. If you get less than 70% you will be given another opportunity to complete the MCQs.
You can print a certificate for courses you have successfully completed. Click on 'my account' and select the link 'my courses'. You will need to select a year (the current year is the automatic default) and click on 'Generate certificate'.
For questions regarding COMPASS therapeutic notes you should contact Lynn Keenan (Prescribing Information Pharmacist) by email
For questions regarding online learning, you should contact NICPLD by email
Last updated: 5th Feb 2020